9-10-12 MOU - Temporary Assignments in APWU

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE AND THE AMERICAN POSTAL WORKERS UNION, AFL-CIO RE: Temporary Assignment, Reassignment or Reemployment in APWU Represented Crafts of Employees Injured On the Job The parties agree that, consistent with the parties' current collective bargaining agreement on the application of seniority, future temporary assignments, reassignments, or reemployment of fully or partially recovered employees to work in APWU represented crafts will be to residual vacancies or to uniquely created assignments consisting of duties that would otherwise be properly performed by non-career employees. Any existing assignments in the Clerk Craft that were uniquely created to fit an employee's work restrictions may remain in place until the employee in the assignment vacates the assignment or until the assignment is modified or changed, whether resulting from changes in the employee's restrictions or changes in service needs or operating conditions within the work unit. An employee in a light or limited duty status will be excessed in the same way that employees in a full duty status are excessed, based on the pay level of the duty assignment that they hold and their seniority. They will receive reasonable accommodation if necessary in their new duty assignment and or installation. When excessing occurs in a craft, either within the installation or to another installation, the sole criteria for selecting the employees to be excessed is seniority. Whether an employee in the affected craft is recovering from either an on- or off-the-job injury would have no bearing on his/her being excessed. Other limited duty employees, who are temporarily assigned to the craft undergoing excessing, will be returned to their respective crafts before excessing can occur.

limited duty , limited duty excessing

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RE: Temporary Assignment, Reassignment or Reemployment in APWU
Represented Crafts of Employees Injured On the Job
The parties agree that, consistent with the parties' current collective bargaining
agreement on the application of seniority, future temporary assignments,
reassignments, or reemployment of fully or partially recovered employees to work
in APWU represented crafts will be to residual vacancies or to uniquely created
assignments consisting of duties that would otherwise be properly performed by
non-career employees.
Any existing assignments in the Clerk Craft that were uniquely created to fit an
employee's work restrictions may remain in place until the employee in the
assignment vacates the assignment or until the assignment is modified or
changed, whether resulting from changes in the employee's restrictions or
changes in service needs or operating conditions within the work unit.
An employee in a light or limited duty status will be excessed in the same way
that employees in a full duty status are excessed, based on the pay level of the
duty assignment that they hold and their seniority. They will receive reasonable
accommodation if necessary in their new duty assignment and or installation.
When excessing occurs in a craft, either within the installation or to another
installation, the sole criteria for selecting the employees to be excessed is
seniority. Whether an employee in the affected craft is recovering from either an
on- or off-the-job injury would have no bearing on his/her being excessed. Other limited duty employees, who are temporarily assigned to the craft
undergoing excessing, will be returned to their respective crafts before excessing
can occur.

Document Type:  Memorandum of Understanding

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: limited duty , limited duty excessing

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