Officer Contact Directory

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National Business Agent

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Bruce Amey

Bruce Amey

National Business Agent

Motor Vehicle Service Craft
Atlanta (Tampa)

6951 Pistol Range Road Suite 106
Tampa, FL 33635

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Orlando Anderson

Orlando Anderson

National Business Agent

Support Services Craft
Minneapolis (Bloomington)

8009-34th Ave, Ste 1050
Bloomington, MN 55425

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Hector Baez

Hector Baez

National Business Agent

Maintenance Craft
Denver (Mesa)

1255 W. Baseline Rd. Suite D-190
Mesa, AZ 85202

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Jeffrey S. Beaton

Jeffrey S. Beaton

National Business Agent

Maintenance Craft
Central/St. Louis (Overland Park)

11407 West 87th Terrace, Overland Park, Kansas 66214

(913) 888-8555

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Gregory Becker

Gregory Becker

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Minneapolis (Bloomington)

8009-34th Ave, Ste 1050
Bloomington, MN 55425

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Sonia Canchola

Sonia E. Canchola-Apodaca

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
San Francisco (Pasadena)

1055 East Colorado Blvd, Suite 335
Pasadena, CA 91106

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Ashley Cargill

Ashley Cargill

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Norman (Oklahoma)

2303 Westpark Dr.
Norman, OK 73069

Peter "Pete" Coradi

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
New York

5N Village Ave, Suite 3
Rockville Centre, NY 11570

Carlton Williams

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Dallas (Houston)

2900 North Loop West, Suite 1030
Houston, TX 77092

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent James "Jim" DeMauro

James "Jim" DeMauro

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Atlanta (Tampa)

6951 Pistol Range Road Suite 106
Tampa, FL 33635

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Fabiola Dominguez

Fabiola Dominguez

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
San Francisco (Pasadena)

1055 East Colorado Blvd, Suite 335
Pasadena, CA 91106

Morning Dunn

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Northwest (Portland)

4110 NE 122nd Ave, Ste 200
Portland, OR 97230

Brian Dunsmore

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Northwest (Portland)

4110 NE 122nd Ave, Ste 200
Portland, OR 97230

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Todd Elkerton

Todd Elkerton

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Minneapolis (Bloomington)

8009-34th Ave, Ste 1050
Bloomington, MN 55425

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Craig Fisher

Craig Fisher

National Business Agent

Maintenance Craft
Cincinnati (Dayton)

1435 Research Park Drive
Dayton, OH 45432

Michael William Funk, Jr.

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Cincinnati (Dayton)

1435 Research Park Drive
Dayton, OH 45432

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent John Gearhard

John Gearhard

National Business Agent

Maintenance Craft
Atlanta (Tampa)

6951 Pistol Range Road Suite 106
Tampa, FL 33635

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Lamont Green

LaMont Green

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Denver (North Glenn)

11152 Huron St., Ste 103
North Glenn, CO 80234

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Mike Hetticher

Mike Hetticher

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
San Francisco (Burlingame)

1350 Old Bayshore Hwy. #370
Burlingame, CA 94010

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Samuel Hernandez-Algarin

Samuel Hernandez-Algarin

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft, Maintenance Craft, Motor Vehicle Service Craft, Support Services Craft

PO Box 363013
San Juan, PR 00936


Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Scott Hoffman

Scott Hoffman

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Boston (Danvers)

2 Electronics Ave, Ste 38
Danvers, MA 01933

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent John Jackson

John Jackson

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Philadelphia (Sicklerville)

1401 Liberty Place
Sicklerville, NJ 08081

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Joe Jolley

Joe Jolley

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Memphis (Birmingham)

140 Oxmoor Blvd. Suite 170
Birmingham, AL 35209

Sharon Curtis

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Central/St. Louis (Overland Park)

11407 West 87th Terrace, Overland Park, Kansas 66214

(913) 888-8555

Louis Kingsley, Jr.

National Business Agent

Maintenance Craft
San Francisco (Pasadena)

1055 East Colorado Blvd, Suite 335
Pasadena, CA 91106

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Mark Krueger

Mark Krueger

National Business Agent

Motor Vehicle Service Craft

55 E. Jackson Blvd. Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60604


Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Kenneth Lester

Kenneth Lester

National Business Agent

Maintenance Craft
Philadelphia (Sicklerville)

1401 Liberty Place
Sicklerville, NJ 08081

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Chuck Locke

Chuck Locke

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
San Francisco (Burlingame)

1350 Old Bayshore Hwy. #370
Burlingame, CA 94010

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Bill Mazurowski

Bill Mazurowski

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Boston (West Springfield)

30 Capital Drive, Suite 30-D
West Springfield, MA 01089

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Sandra Munoz Hernandez

Sandra Munoz Hernandez

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Atlanta (Tampa)

6951 Pistol Range Road Suite 106
Tampa, FL 33635

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Tom O'Brien

Tom O'Brien

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Boston (Danvers)

2 Electronics Ave, Ste 38
Danvers, MA 01933

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Doris Orr-Richardson

Doris Orr-Richardson

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Atlanta (Tampa)

6951 Pistol Range Road Suite 106
Tampa, FL 33635

Rufina Pagaduan

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft, Maintenance Craft, Motor Vehicle Service Craft, Support Services Craft

949 Kapiolani Blvd. Suite 101
Honolulu, HI 96814

Shana Parker

National Business Agent

Motor Vehicle Service Craft
Philadelphia (Sicklerville)

1401 Liberty Place
Sicklerville, NJ 08081

Jim Patarini

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft, Maintenance Craft, Motor Vehicle Service Craft, Support Services Craft

18825 First St.
Eagle River, AK 99577

Carlos Paz

National Business Agent

Maintenance Craft
Dallas (Irving)

800 W. Airport Fwy., #1031

Lobby Box 6093

Irving, TX 75062

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Jerome Pittman

Jerome Pittman

National Business Agent

Motor Vehicle Service Craft
San Francisco (Burlingame)

1350 Old Bayshore Hwy. #370
Burlingame, CA 94010

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent D Rathore

Devendra "D" Rathore

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft

55 E. Jackson Blvd. Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60604


Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Pamela Richardson

Pamela Richardson

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Washington D.C. (Glen Burnie)

6514 Meadowridge Road, Suite 135
Elkridge, MD 21075

Kim Miller

Kim Miller

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Philadelphia (Sicklerville)

1401 Liberty Place
Sicklerville, NJ 08081

Dave Sarnacki

National Business Agent

Maintenance Craft
Boston (Danvers)

2 Electronics Ave, Ste 38
Danvers, MA 01933

Mike Schmid

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Cincinnati (Dayton)

1435 Research Park Drive
Dayton, OH 45432

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Diann Scurlark

Diann Scurlark

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Dallas (Irving)

800 W. Airport Fwy., #1031

Lobby Box 6093

Irving, TX 75062

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Dyrike Shaw

Dyrike Shaw

National Business Agent

Motor Vehicle Service Craft
Dallas (Irving)

800 W. Airport Fwy., #1031

Lobby Box 6093

Irving, TX 75062

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Daniel Skemp

Daniel Skemp

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Central/St. Louis (Overland Park)

11407 West 87th Terrace, Overland Park, Kansas 66214

(913) 888-8555

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Pamela Smith

Pamela Smith

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Memphis (Birmingham)

140 Oxmoor Blvd. Suite 170
Birmingham, AL 35209

James Stevenson

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft

55 E. Jackson Blvd. Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60604


Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Liz Swigert

Liz Swigert

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
New York

5N Village Ave, Suite 3
Rockville Centre, NY 11570

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Vince Tarducci

Vince Tarducci

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Philadelphia (Sicklerville)

1401 Liberty Place
Sicklerville, NJ 08081

Charles Tillman

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Dallas (Irving)

800 W. Airport Fwy., #1031

Lobby Box 6093

Irving, TX 75062

Bernie Timmerman

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
New York

5N Village Ave, Suite 3
Rockville Centre, NY 11570

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Linda J. Turney

Linda J. Turney

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft

55 E. Jackson Blvd. Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60604


Stephanie Logan

National Business Agent

Maintenance Craft
Minneapolis (Bloomington)

8009-34th Ave, Ste 1050
Bloomington, MN 55425

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Rachel WSalthall

Rachel Walthall

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Washington D.C. (Glen Burnie)

6514 Meadowridge Road, Suite 135
Elkridge, MD 21075

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Emily Weber

Emily Weber

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Norman (Oklahoma)

2303 Westpark Dr.
Norman, OK 73069

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Rick White

Rick White

National Business Agent

Motor Vehicle Service Craft
New York

5N Village Ave, Suite 3
Rockville Centre, NY 11570

Joseph Zamenick

National Business Agent

Clerk Craft
Denver (Mesa)

1255 W. Baseline Rd. Suite D-190
Mesa, AZ 85202

A photo of Josh Montgomery

Josh Montgomery

Southern Region National Business Agent

Maintenance Craft
Dallas (Houston)

2900 North Loop West, Suite 1030
Houston, TX 77092

Craft Division Director

Headshot of APWU Clerk Division Director Lamont Brooks

Lamont Brooks

Director, Clerk Division

Clerk Craft
Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Idowu Balogun

Director, Maintenance Division

Maintenance Craft
Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Headshot of APWU Motor Vehicle Service Division Director Michael Foster

Michael O. Foster

Director, MVS Division

Motor Vehicle Service Craft
Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Headshot of APWU Support Services Director Arrion Brown 2022-2025

Arrion Brown

Director, Support Services Division

Support Services Craft
Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Lynn Pallas-Barber

Assistant Director (B)

Clerk Craft
Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Garrett Langley

Assistant Director

Motor Vehicle Service Craft
Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Headshot of APWU Assistant Director Sam Lisenbe

Sam Lisenbe

Assistant Director (A)

Clerk Craft
Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Headshot of APWU Maintenance Division Assistant Director Terry Martinez

Terry B. Martinez

Assistant Director (A)

Maintenance Craft
Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Headshot of APWU Maintenance Division Assistant Director Jason Treier

Jason Treier

Assistant Director (B)

Maintenance Craft
Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Headshot of APWU National Business Agent Robert Romanowski

Robert "Bob" Romanowski

Assistant Director (C)

Clerk Craft
Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Regional Coordinator

Tiffany Foster

Northeast Regional Coordinator

New York

5N Village Ave, Suite 3
Rockville Centre, NY 11570

Headshot of APWU Western Region Coordinator Omar Gonzalez

Omar M. Gonzalez

Western Regional Coordinator

San Francisco (Burlingame)

1350 Old Bayshore Hwy. #370
Burlingame, CA 94010

Headshot of APWU Eastern Regional Coordinator AJ Jones

AJ Jones

Eastern Regional Coordinator

Philadelphia (Sicklerville)

1401 Liberty Place
Sicklerville, NJ  08081

Headshot of APWU Southern Regional Coordinator Yared Wonde

Yared Wonde

Southern Regional Coordinator

Dallas (Houston)

2900 North Loop West, Suite 1030
Houston, TX 77092

Amy Puhalski

Central Regional Coordinator


55 E. Jackson Blvd. Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60604


Department Director

Headshot of APWU Industrial Relations Director Charlie Cash

Charlie Cash

Industrial Relations Director

Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Headshot of APWU Legislative and Political Director Judy Beard

Judy Beard

Legislative & Political Director

Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Anna Smith

Organization Director

Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Headshot of APWU Research and Education Director Joyce Robinson

Joyce B. Robinson

Research & Education Director

Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Headshot of APWU Human Relations Director Daleo Freeman

Daleo Freeman

Human Relations Director

Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Headshot of APWU Retirees Dept. Director Nancy Olumekor

Nancy Olumekor

Retirees Director

Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

National Executive Officer

Headshot of APWU President Mark Dimondstein

Mark Dimondstein


Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Headshot of APWU Vice President Debby Szeredy

Debby Szeredy

Executive Vice-President

Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

Headshot of APWU Secretary-Treasurer Elizabeth Powell

Elizabeth Powell


Washington, D.C.

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005