The APWU is fighting to build back better the Postal Office. We demand and the public needs vibrant, public and universal postal services. Through our campaigning together, we have secured $10 billion in COVID-relief for the USPS and the nomination of three pro-Postal governors. We are continuing to champion COVID-relief and an agenda of expanding the role of the USPS in serving our communities.
Why does the Postal Board of Governors Matter to you?
One of the big questions that has come up in the national media is what will happen next with the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors. The Board is a critically important governing body, which includes members appointed by the President of the United States.
It is responsible for major decisions about the Postal Service’s operations, policies and expenditures. The Board’s responsibilities also include hiring and firing the Postmaster General.
You can find out all about the Board in this short article.

WBUR: USPS Workers Rally For Congressional Aid: 'We Just Honestly Can't Afford To Take Anymore'
WBUR's Here and Now reported on postal workers' concerns about the re-implementation of Postmaster General DeJoy's postal delays ahead of our day of action on November 19, 2020.
Latest News
December 15, 2021
2021 APWU Ad Release: Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
On December 15, APWU launched their 2021 holiday season ad. The ad follows the arduous journey millions of gifts and...
December 10, 2021
APWU, USPS Reach Tentative Agreement
The American Postal Workers Union and the U.S. Postal Service have reached a tentative three-year Collective Bargaining...
December 6, 2021
Urgent Action: Urge Congress To Pass Postal Reform Before Year Ends
As we near the end of the year, it is critical that Congress take up the Postal Service Reform Act of 2021 (H.R. 3076)...
November 19, 2021
President Biden Names Two Nominees to Board of Governors
Today, President Joe Biden announced two new nominees to the Postal Service Board of Governors to replace outgoing...
2 million+ voices to #SaveThePostOffice
Jon "Bowzer" Bauman, Rahna Epting, Executive Director of, President Dimondstein and guests joined together as we delivered more than 2,000,000 signatures to the U.S. Senate to Save The Post Office.
Share your story
People who work for the Post Office are making a difference to millions of people every day. Whether you are a postal worker or customer, you are a part of the story of the USPS. It is vital that we tell our part of that story and highlight why we need to #SaveThePostOffice.
Make a call
Enter Your Information and click to Call Your Senators Now
The Postal Service is in a crisis, caused by the Coronavirus, and Congress needs to act, urgently.
Our public Post Office needs COVID relief otherwise it could run out of money soon. The danger is even greater as the Postmaster General is renewing his plan to use the crisis to slow down mail/package sorting and delivery. Congress must provide support or people will face drastic service cuts.
Call your Senators urgently. Tell them to support at least $25 billion in stimulus funding for our public Postal Service and no return to PMG DeJoy's mail slowdown. Dial (844) 402-1001 or use this form.
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Policy Briefs

Legal and Official Documents

Veterans like Skyleigh deserve better
More than 330,000 veterans receive medications through the mail every day. They deserve better Postmaster General DeJoy's unnecessary and reckless delays to the mail.
Find your Congressional Representative
Save the Post Office ad and Danny Glover spot hit the airwaves
Postal workers and the fight to save the Postal Service hit the airwaves in two important new radio spots.
A new radio ad, which focuses on the threat the USPS, was launched today by the American Postal Workers Union. The nationwide ad buy will inlude key states, whose senators will cast crucial votes on postal finances.
Meanwhile, actor and social activist Danny Glover who has long been a supporter of postal workers and members of the American Postal Workers Union has also released a radio public service announcement asking the public to join him in expressing active gratitude for postal workers.
The U.S. Postal Service has long been an important source of decent jobs, particularly for people of color, who make up 40 percent of their workforce. In the current crisis, postal workers are playing a particularly vital role in our nation’s economic and public health as they strain to meet the surge in demand for package deliveries. At the same time, mail volume has plummeted as a result of the crisis. Without emergency relief, the Postal Service is facing a real threat of bankruptcy. This webinar explained why we need to save the Postal Service from this immediate threat — and support innovations like postal banking that will make USPS an even greater public asset for generations to come.
Judy Beard, Legislative and Political Director, American Postal Workers Union
Scott Klinger, Jobs with Justice
Sarah Anderson, Institute for Policy Studies