Maintenance Management Order MMO-099-18 Guidelines for Transitioning Station/Branch Building Equipment Maintenance to Field Maintenance Operations

The purpose of this Maintenance Management Order (MMO) is to establish and provide guidelines for converting Building Equipment Maintenance (BEM) in Stations/Branches into the Field Maintenance Operations (FMO) processes and determine the number of positions for both Building Equipment Maintenance and Field Maintenance Operations (FMO). This MMO applies to facilities with the responsibility of providing maintenance support for building equipment in Stations, Branches, and Associate Offices. This bulletin applies to Acronym ADMIN and Class Code AA.

Building Maintenance Custodian , Building Equipment Maintenance , Maintenance Management Order

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The purpose of this Maintenance Management Order (MMO) is to establish and provide guidelines for converting Building Equipment Maintenance (BEM) in Stations/Branches into the Field Maintenance Operations (FMO) processes and determine the number of positions for both Building Equipment Maintenance and Field Maintenance Operations (FMO). This MMO applies to facilities with the responsibility of providing maintenance support for building equipment in Stations, Branches, and Associate Offices. This bulletin applies to Acronym ADMIN and Class Code AA.

This bulletin supplements MMO-102-18 electronic Work Hour Estimator Program (eWHEP), and is being released in conjunction with the release of the MS-1, Operation of Maintenance of Real Property, MMO-100-18, Guidelines for Creating Detailed Local Building and Building Equipment Maintenance Preventive Maintenance Checklists and, MMO-101-18, Guidelines for Creating Detailed Local Building Equipment Emergency System Preventive Maintenance Checklists. This bulletin also provides guidance for calculating the work hours required for supporting Building Equipment Maintenance (BEM) and Field Maintenance Operations (FMO).

The Senior Maintenance Official must be personally aware and involved in applying this MMO. The Senior Maintenance Official is also responsible for maintaining this document so it reflects all changes in guidelines distributed in subsequent issues of MMOs. A copy of the current completed maintenance-staffing package must be available for review by the Maintenance Technical Support Center, the Area Maintenance Support Office, or the Inspection Service.

Document Type:  Memorandum

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: Building Maintenance Custodian , Building Equipment Maintenance , Maintenance Management Order

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Document Type: Memorandum

Craft: Maintenance

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