1. The Postal Service violated the Clerical Work MOU and Article 1.5 by assigning bargaining unit work in RMPO Level 4 and Level 6 Post Offices to Evaluated Postmasters and Postmaster Reliefs. 2. All clerk craft work in RM PO Level 6 Post Offices is to be performed by career bargaining unit clerks. The parties are to determine a reasonable process for accomplishing the transfer of work from EPMs to career bargaining unit clerks. 3. All clerk craft work in RMPO Level 4 Post Offices is to be performed by bargaining unit Postal Support Employees. PSEs who work in RMPO Level 4 Post Offices will be permitted to perform window work. Such PSEs will not count against the applicable PSE cap except as determined by the parties. 4. All Level 18 Post Offices that are currently staffed by PSEs with the designation-activity code 81-8 will be staffed with a career employee. 5. The Postal Service did not violate the Agreement by assigning bargaining unit work to Postmaster Reliefs in RMPO Level 2 Post Offices. 6. The Arbitrator does not rule on the consolidation issue, but remands it to the parties to determine how to handle this aspect of the POStPlan restructuring. 7. No other remedies are due, including any monetary remedy, except for the actions required above.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

GATS Number:  Q11C-4Q-C 12243899

Craft:  Clerk

Arbitrator Name: Stephen Goldberg

Tags: RMPO , Bargaining unit work , Level 4 Post Office , Level 6 Post Office , evaluated postmaster , postmaster relief , Clerk work , EPM , Postal Support Employee , PSE small office , Level 18 post office , Level 2 post office , consolidation , POStPlan , Post Office Structure Plan

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