One Time Retirement Incentive VERA (2013)

VERA , Retirement , retirement incentive , PSEs and VERA , VSIP , 2013 VERA

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Agreed to $15,000 in payments subject to a list of terms and conditions therein. Bargaining Units, Information Technology, and Accounting Services employees included in the terms. Sets timelines for Vera election and effective dates, and disbursement of the incentives. Sets the process and timeline whereby the Postal Service will post and fill duty assignments with a Postal Support Employee (PSE). Any disputes arising under this MOU will be referred to the ADRP. These incentives are as a result of a bargaining agreement and are not Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments (VSIP). MOU is without prejudice and shall not be cited in any dispute, except for enforcing its terms.

Document Type:  Memorandum of Understanding

Tags: VERA , Retirement , retirement incentive , PSEs and VERA , VSIP , 2013 VERA

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