The issue in this grievance is whether the grievant was improperly denied her request for annual leave. The facts in this case indicate that an employee who is utilized in a 204(b) status had requested annual leave in accordance with Article 10 of the National Agreement. Subsequently, the grievant requested incidental annual leave which was denied. The union contends that employees utilized on 204(b) assignments should not have their names placed on the leave calendar with other bargaining-unit employees. It is the position of the Postal Service that employees who are utilized in 204(b) assignments should not be precluded from bidding for choice vacation periods. Such requests are submitted in accordance with Articles 10 and 30 of the National Agreement at the beginning of the "leave" year. The employee who is in a 204(b) position at the time of bidding may or may not be in a 204(b) assignment at the time the leave is taken. It is the position of the Postal Service further that incidental annual leave requests may be approved at other...
Document Type: USPS Position Letter
APWU National Grievance Number: H1C4BC16366
Craft: Clerk