Investigating Grievances re Article 1.6.B. Under the 2010 CBA
In order to enforce the Global Settlement of violations of Article 1.6.B. of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the following information is essential...
Can Level 4 Post Office Clerks Work in Your Office?
The position description for the Level 4 Post Office Clerk [PDF] limits its use to Post Offices with fewer than 190 revenue units annually. The Level 4 Post Office Clerk qualification standard [PDF] repeats that same limitation.
APWU Nurses Contract Negotiations Continue
The APWU and USPS have continued to meet in an effort to negotiate a successor contract to the Collective Bargaining Agreement, which expired on Aug. 10, 2012. The parties met on Aug. 31, Sept. 14, and Sept. 20.
Prerequisites for Training
Job training required for promotion has been the subject of discussion between the union and USPS management at the national level for many years.
Bargaining Rights Make a World of Difference
Over the past several years I have been combing through the union’s archives to compile a record of contractual changes over the past 30 years. While doing this research on collective bargaining achievements since 1980, it occurred to me that more...