e-Team Report, June 14, 2013

Rep. Issa Releases a “Deeply Disturbing” Draft Postal Reform Bill Rep. DeLauro Calls on House Members to Preserve Overnight Delivery Rep. DeFazio Speaks in Support of Postal Service Protection Act Unintended Consequences of Changing Postal...

Issa’s Draft Bill ‘Deeply Disturbing,’ APWU Says

A draft postal bill released by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) on June 13 would punish postal workers, privatize major portions of the USPS, and deprive the American people of vital services, said APWU President Cliff Guffey.

Rep. DeLauro to Introduce ‘Protect Overnight Delivery Act’

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) will introduce legislation to preserve overnight mail delivery and, in the process, protect mail processing facilities from closure, she told fellow lawmakers in a letter dated June 13.

Federal Government Loots USPS; Nobody Seems to Notice

When Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew told Congress last week of plans to take money from two federal employee retirement funds to avoid defaulting on the national debt, there was hardly a peep. No outrage. No dismay. Not even a question.

Stop Accelerating Consolidation of Mail Processing

Forty-seven members of Congress have signed a letter to Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe urging him to stand by his commitment to keep more than 70 mail processing facilities open until next spring.
