Brochure Spotlights Union’s Legislative Goals

The APWU Legislative Department has produced a brochure that outlines the union’s legislative goals. “After more than a decade of focusing our legislative activities on the pros and cons of various postal ‘reform’ measures, the American Postal...

Home Fire-Safety Planning

Joyce B. Robinson, Research & Education Department Director Fire drills are a fairly commonplace event at schools and at many workplaces.Not enough families think to practice fire safety around the house, however, and it may be time to do so....

Premium Conversion Legislation for Retirees

On July 16 - more than three years after the legislation was first introduced - the House Civil Service and Agency Reorganization Subcommittee approved Rep. Tom Davis' (R-VA) bill to allow federal and military retirees to pay health care premiums...

Great New Benefits for Retirees

You’ve worked toward it and planned for it, and now that moment has arrived: Your retirement. A new package of travel, entertainment, and other benefits offered through the AFL-CIO’s Union Plus program can make it all the more rewarding.

Pregnancy Discrimination

In 2005, approximately 4,500 charges of pregnancy-based discrimination were filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The EEOC resolved nearly all of them, and recovered an average of $2,700 per complaint.
