APWU, USPS Agree: To Revamped Maintenance Selection System

After intensive discussions, the APWU and the USPS have agreed to modify the Maintenance Selection System (MSS), the process by which many Maintenance Craft duty assignments are filled. “The Revamped Maintenance Selection System maintains employee...

VMF Jobs and Authorization to Hire

Some USPS managers are reported to be claiming they are not authorized to hire or post the duty assignments. However, a Sept. 7 notice [PDF] to Area Operations Vice Presidents about posting vehicle maintenance positions states:

e-Team Report, June 26, 2011

The American Postal Workers Union is working fervently to make certain that the Postal Service’s decision to suspend employer contributions to FERS does not negatively affect the nation’s postal employees, President Cliff Guffey said on June 22. “We...

Arm Yourself With Knowledge

An important part of building our power is arming ourselves with knowledge. But if we rely only on the corporate-owned media, we are likely to receive a heavy dose of misinformation along with analysis that is biased in favor of big business. We...

Post Offices Subject To the Maintenance Craft Jobs MOU

The Postal Service has submitted to the APWU a list of 89 post offices that will fall under Section 1.a of the Maintenance Craft Jobs Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).  
