Settlement on Severance Pay and Early Retirement

This is a pre-arbitration settlement over whether employees are entitled to severance pay when they elect early retirement in accordance with Article 6, Section B. 4 of the National Agreement.

Tool List Dispute Settlement

Motor Vehicle officers settled a dispute with management on Nov. 3, 2011 [PDF], concerning the new tool list.  While the new list reduces the total number of tools, many of the eliminated tools were antiquated and rarely used.  The settlement...

Union Wins Major Attendance Case

In an award issued Jan. 28, 2005, Arbitrator Shyam Das sustained the APWU's arguments on two of three outstanding issues in a significant attendance case. 

Settlement Rescinds EEO Complaint Processing Handbook

The APWU and the Postal Service agreed recently in a pre-arbitration settlement that management shall rescind the EEO Complaint Processing Handbook (EL-603). 

MVS Settles Dispute Over Postal Operations Manual

In December 2012 the APWU resolved a long-simmering dispute with the Postal Service, involving who can drive postal vehicles, as well as other matters that affect the union’s ability to protect Motor Vehicle Craft jobs. At issue was language that...
