APWU Nurses Advised That Contract – Though Expired – Still Offers Protection

As the bargaining team for APWU-represented nurses prepares for interest arbitration hearings beginning in late March, Support Services Division Director Bill Manley assured the unit’s members that the terms of their expired contract remain in...

Dispute Over Unilateral Elimination of Local Individual Retirement Counseling

This dispute concerns revisions to Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) Sections 569.1 and 589.1, Retirement Counseling. 

Disputes Filed Over USPS Two-Tour Initiative

The APWU has filed two national-level disputes protesting the Postal Service’s nationwide program to eliminate or drastically reduce Tour 2 assignments and employees. The disputes, both filed Dec. 16, recap many of the allegations made by the union...

Dispute: Unencumbered/Unassigned Regulars

This Step 4 dispute protests management plans to designate Part-Time Flexibles and Part-Time Regulars as unencumbered or unassigned with non-traditional schedules when they are converted to regular on Aug. 27.

Maintenance Wins Significant Award

Recently Arbitrator Arthur T. Voss sustained the union’s grievance in Case #E10T-4E-C 11388721 , known as the Western Area Lock case or the Diebold case. 
