Management Must Convert PTFs
Managers who are relying on an alleged hiring freeze to justify their refusal to convert MVS part-time flexible employees to full-time are in violation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Dispute Filed Over USPS Failure to Create Bargaining Unit Jobs at Greensboro HRSSC
The APWU has filed a national-level dispute over the Postal Service's failure to create bargaining unit positions at the Human Resources Shared Services Center (HRSSC) in Greensboro, NC. The union contends, among other things, that this is work that...
PTR Compliance Reports
PTR Compliance Reports are provided to the union on an Accounting Period basis to determine compliance with Article 7.3.D of the 2006 National Agreement, which states that the number of part-time regular employees who may be employed shall not...
Dispute Filed Over USPS Failure to Provide Notification of Subcontracting to Locals
The APWU has initiated a national-level dispute over the Postal Service's failure to comply with their obligations under Article 32.1.C of the National Agreement to furnish notification to locals of subcontracting of bargaining unit work at the...
Dispute Over Management's Untimely Step 2 Answers Appealed to Arbitration
The APWU has appealed to national-level arbitration a dispute over the Postal Service's untimely issuance of Step 2 denial letters.