We Must Make Our ‘Cause’ the People’s Cause!

The APWU is gearing up for a major battle: The fight to win a good contract for our members, while we fight for a vibrant, public Postal Service for the people of the country. Negotiations are set to begin on Feb. 19, three months before the current...

Standing Up and Fighting Back

On behalf of the union officers of the Northeast region, I wish you a happy New Year, filled with peace and fulfillment. Our current Collective Bargaining Agreement expires on May 20, 2015, and in recent months we have been busy preparing for...

We Must Make Our 'Cause' the People's Cause!

The APWU is gearing up for a major battle: The fight to win a good contract for our members, while we fight for a vibrant, public Postal Service for the people of the country.

Rank-and-File Bargaining Advisory Committee Convenes

Members of the union’s Rank-and-File Bargaining Advisory Committee held their first meeting in Washington, DC, on Dec. 8 and 9, where they heard presentations from union officers about negotiations, and engaged in lively give-and-take.

Young People Love the Postal Service Best

Few postal workers were surprised by a recent Gallup Poll that found that Americans rate the Postal Service highest among 13 government agencies – after all, the USPS routinely ranks at the top of such surveys. But many people were surprised to...
