House Hearing Sets Troubling Precedent

APWU members across the country cheered when President Cliff Guffey stood up for postal workers at a hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on April 5, but the inquiry into the union’s tentative Collective Bargaining...

Clearing Up Confusion About the Tentative Agreement

A few provisions of the Tentative Agreement have been misunderstood by some union members. APWU President Cliff Guffey sets the record straight in video messages:

Typos in Tentative Agreement

Several typos have been found in the Tentative Agreement and have been corrected in the version posted online.

Maintenance Craft Questions and Answers On the Tentative Agreement

Several questions have been posed on the APWU's Facebook page regarding the Tentative Agreement for a new contract. Below, union officers address questions on how it would affect Maintenance Craft workers.
