Union Appoints Rank-and-File Bargaining Advisory Committee

With contract negotiations set to begin later this year, APWU President William Burrus has announced the names of union members who will serve on the Rank and File Bargaining Advisory Committee. In accordance with the APWU Constitution, each member...

Springfield Area Local Reaches MTESC Agreement

After seven months of negotiations, the Springfield (MA) Area Local reached a tentative agreement with Alan Ritchey, Inc. on a new Collective Bargaining Agreement that will cover all 90 members employed at the Mail Transport Equipment Service Center...

APWU, Mail Hauler Agree to One-Month Contract Extension

The APWU and the private-sector mail-haul firm Pat Salmon & Sons have agreed to a one-month extension of a contract covering more than 500 drivers. The collective bargaining agreement in effect since Aug. 30, 2006, had been set to expire May 15.

Postal Nurses’ Interest Arbitration Hearings Conclude

Interest-arbitration hearings over a contract between the National Postal Professional Nurses-APWU and the Postal Service concluded April 2. Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg is expected to issue a ruling within the next several weeks on the wages, hours...

APWU 2008 Convention Highlights Videos

Union Endorses Barack Obama for President - Wed, Aug. 20, 2008
