It’s Your Union – VOTE!

Ballots for the 2010 Election of APWU National Officers were mailed Monday, Sept. 13 to all eligible union members, and must be returned and received in the designated post office box in Washington, DC, by 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 5.

Installation of National Officers

APWU members and guests are invited to attend the Installation of National Officers Dinner-Dance, on Saturday, Nov. 6, 2010, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Washington, DC.

Ballots Mailed in Election of Union Officers

Ballots for the 2010 Election of APWU National Officers are being mailed Monday, Sept. 13, to Wednesday, Sept. 15. To encourage APWU members to participate in this year’s elections, the national union will hold a voter-participation competition...

Ballot Placement Set, Candidates Certified, For Election of APWU National Officers

Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell has certified the following union members as candidates to national office by referendum balloting, as mandated by the APWU Constitution and Bylaws.

Candidates Nominated For APWU Election of National Officers

Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell has announced that the following union members have been certified as candidates for election to national office by referendum balloting, as mandated by the APWU Constitution and Bylaws.
