e-Team Report, July 22, 2011

Council for Citizens Against Government Waste Comes Out in Support of Issa's H.R. 2309 Multiple Bills in Both House and Senate look to Overhaul Postal Service A Quick Question and Answer with Postmaster Donahoe Another Step Toward Victories in Ohio...

e-Team Report, May 10, 2013

The Postal Service Protection Act Gains Bipartisan Support Postal Losses in Second Quarter Primarily Due to Prefund Mandate Compensatory Time Bill Passes House, Draws Criticism from Obama Administration and Worker Advocates House Bill Takes Aim at...

Convenient Untruths

When the postal service announced in November that it had incurred a $15.9 billion loss in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2012, newspaper editorial boards and anti-government politicians cited the figure as proof that the Postal Service is...

e-Team Report, April 13, 2012

APWU Continues Outreach Senator - Postal Worker for a Day Workers Ready to Fight Fire with Fire this Election Right to Work Stalls Again

e-Team Report, Oct. 28, 2011

Sign the Petition! Urge Your Member of Congress to Oppose H.R. 2309! Republican Presidential Candidates Support Efforts of Governor to End Collective Bargaining for State Public Sector Workers House Committee Again Looks to Diminish Power of NLRB
