First 2018 COLA Increase Announced

In accordance with the 2015-2018 Collective Bargaining Agreement, career employees represented by the APWU will receive a 25 cent per hour cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), effective March 3.  The increase is the result of a rise in the Consumer...

When Workers Turn Out, We Win!

(This article first appeared in the January-February 2018 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine)  By Legislative & Political Director Judy Beard  We know that when workers are actively engaged in the political process, we win.

Unpopular Tax Bill Passes

On Wednesday Dec. 20, Congress voted to pass a tax bill designed to reward the super wealthy and major corporations with more money. Despite being an unpopular bill opposed by hard-working families across the country, it passed without any...

Senate Tax Bill Punishes Working People

The Senate is set to vote on a disastrous tax bill this week, after their House counterparts passed a tax reform bill earlier this month. Much like the House plan, this bill would punish working families and reward the wealthy elites with tax...

Des Moines’ Postal Services Should Be Expanded, Not Cut!

The following is an op-ed by President Mark Dimondstein and Des Moines Area APWU Local 44 President Mike Bates that originally appeared in Des Moines' Register on Nov. 9. The United States Postal Service belongs to all the people. Its valuable...
