e-Team Report, Sept. 20, 2012
Calling out the Do-Nothing Congress
National Voter Registration Day
Voter ID laws
Labor Day Highlights Unions’ Role In Building Middle Class
At Labor Day parades across the country, APWU members urged supporters to join the fight to Save America’s Postal Service. Workers highlighted the contributions of the labor movement to building the middle class by winning good wages, health...
Video Chronicles Union Struggle
A video shown on the first day of the APWU National Convention summarized the struggles of the APWU to Save America’s Postal Service.
e-Team Report, Sept. 3, 2012
21st Biennial APWU National Convention
Republican National Convention
Labor Day Proclamation
President Cliff Guffey: ‘We Must Win in November’
In his first State of the Union address, APWU President Cliff Guffey praised union members for their activism and said postal workers must win our battles in the political arena.
ALSO: Thank Veterans – Give Them Jobs!
AND: Debbie Wasserman Schultz...