House Committee to Vote Thursday on Issa Bill

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will vote Oct. 13 on a bill that the APWU has denounced as “a reckless assault on postal services and postal employees.”

Union Challenges Proposed Changes to USPS Service Standards

The APWU is challenging proposed changes to USPS service standards that would result from a major reduction in the number of mail processing facilities.

‘Save the Postal Service’

They chanted. They cheered. Donning red, white and blue “Save America’s Postal Service” t-shirts, postal workers and concerned citizens carried signs and marched in front of congressional offices across the country to tell the real story about the...

Postal Workers Across the Country Say, 'Save America's Postal Service'

Postal workers and supporters held rallies at 492 locations on Sept. 27 to Save America’s Postal Service.

Guffey to Appear on ‘The Ed Show’ On MSNBC Tonight

APWU President Cliff Guffey will appear on The Ed Show on MSNBC tonight, Sept. 27, at 10 p.m. EDT.
