Support Crucial Postal Bills
The union is asking APWU members to give their U.S. representatives an important “welcome home” message during Congress’ August recess: Support H.R. 5746, a bill to restore financial stability to the Postal Service.
AFL-CIO Adopts Resolution To Save Saturday Mail Service
The AFL-CIO adopted a resolution written by the APWU in support of retaining six-day mail delivery at its Aug. 4 Executive Council meeting.
Norton Urges USPS Stamp Committee To Honor Members Killed in 2001 Anthrax Attack
Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) urged Postmaster General Potter and the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Council to approve a commemorative postage stamp honoring the lives of two APWU members killed in the 2001 anthrax attacks.
Two Congressional Panels Support Six-Day Service
Two congressional panels voted on July 29 to approve spending bills that would require the Postal Service to continue to provide mail delivery six days per week.
Locals Rally to Save Saturday Service
As part of a nationwide campaign, local union members across the country have ramped up the fight to Save Saturday Service, taking action to alert the public to the dangers of the Postal Service’s plans to eliminate Saturday delivery.