The APWU is Launching an Important New Campaign and Every Member Can Help

Mail is changing. Every postal worker knows it. There are ever fewer letters and flats, and increasingly more packages. First-class mail, the main historic driver of postal revenues, has been significantly reduced with the advent of the internet....

APWU Leadership Institute Comes to Life!

“After five years of planning, interrupted by the pandemic, we are excited to announce the formation of the National APWU Leadership Institute,” shared APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “The national APWU recognizes our responsibility to help...

APWU Health Plan Chief Operating Manager Has Retired

Carroll “Rocky” Midgett, Chief Operating Manager of the APWU Health Plan, will retire after almost 42 years of service. Randy Griffin has been appointed the new Chief Operating Manager. Mr. Griffin will assume the role on Sept. 05, 2023.

Promoting Unity Within, and Among, our APWU Family

The Human Relations Department strives to demonstrate that a progressive union goes beyond the necessary and important responsibilities of negotiating and enforcing our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). I am pleased to be able to direct the...

Still Fighting for The Social Security Fairness Act

The Social Security Fairness Act, H.R.82 and S.597 will repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO).
