The 2024 Elections: It's Time to Mobilize

Legislative Director Judy Beard urges members to get involved this election season, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote.

APWU 27th Biennial Convention ‘Union Proud, Say It Loud!’

Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell congratulates the APWU Scholarship winners, details upcoming Secretary-Treasurer’s trainings, and reminds members to vote in the general election on or before November 5.

2024 Elections – It’s Time to Get Out the Vote!

“We have just two months to mobilize voters to elect candidates that support postal issues and those that protect the future of our families, jobs, communities, and our planet.” - Vice President Debby Szeredy

The State of the APWU Is Energized, Mobilized, Ready to Organize!

President Dimondstein shares an excerpt from his APWU State of the Union Address and urges members to “‘Energize, Organize, Mobilize’ for a better life for all postal workers”. 

Preventing Hearing Loss at Work and Home

Hearing protection is especially important for APWU members given the diverse and noisy work environments we encounter. The Industrial Relations Department is committed to ensuring that we keep you informed about hearing hazards and the precautions...
