Stop the Cycle of Violence!
Many people believe that domestic violence is a private matter, but it’s not. It is a critical problem that affects us all. Domestic violence occurs in every community, and in workplaces and schools across the country. To solve this problem, we must...
Safety ‘Happy Talk’ Just Isn’t Enough
Postal officials frequently brag about their commitment to workers’ safety, but their actions don’t always line up with the “happy talk.”
A Risk in Going Part-Time
“What is the Part-Time Pro-ration Factor?” This continues to be the most-asked-about and talked-about subject in our retirement seminars.
What to Do When Disaster Strikes
As I write this, we are still “recovering” from this year’s devastating hurricane season. My prayers continue to go out to my APWU sisters and brothers and their families who were adversely affected. Disasters can strike quickly and without warning...
Training Programs for 2007
To help APWU activists enhance their skills, the Research and Education Department will be providing several training programs in 2007.