Leave Accrual

Employees earn sick and annual leave in accordance with postal regulations found in Subchapter 510 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM). Article 10, Section 2, of the National Agreement provides that "The leave regulations in Subchapter...

Contract Wage Increase Affects Dues

A salary increase negotiated in the form of an upgrade in the 2006-2010 Collective Bargaining Agreement will take effect Feb. 16. In accordance with Article 16, Section 2(a) of the APWU Constitution and Bylaws, this will result in a corresponding...

New NPPN Pay Scale

The NPPN interest-arbitration award, issued April 28, 2009, granted five raises in the contract, which concludes on Aug. 10, 2012. Two raises were implemented retroactively, with a 3.3 percent increase effective Aug. 18, 2007, and a 3.1 percent...

For Employees Covered by the Information Technology/Accounting Services Agreement:

There will not be any additional COLA under the 2007-2011 IT/AS Agreement . Future increases are dependent on the outcome of current negotiations for a successor contract to the 2007-2011 IT/AS Agreement. Under the 2007-2011 IT/AS Agreement,...

For FERS Retirees:

The 2015 FERS retiree COLA is based on the increase in the third quarter average of the CPI-W index in 2014 over the 2013 third quarter average. However, if the CPI-W quarterly average increases three percent or more, the COLA is the increase less...
