Postal Union Unity

Members of the APWU, the National Association of Letter Carriers and the National Postal Mail Handlers Union marched side-by-side in Philadelphia’s Labor Day Parade, Sept. 1.

Historic Postal Union Alliance Rallies APWU Convention Delegates

Evidence that the Postal Alliance formalized on March 10, 2014 is in full effect was clear to the delegates on Monday. In what was an APWU Convention first, the Presidents of the other three Postal Unions addressed the delegates.

‘Stakeholders’ Urge Congress To Give USPS Legislative Relief

The APWU is part of a group of 50 postal unions, management associations, and mailers that has asked Congress to help the agency during the current nationwide financial difficulties by giving legislative relief to its retiree health-insurance...

Burrus Addresses Letter Carriers Convention

In a historic moment for the two major postal unions, APWU President William Burrus delivered a speech at the biennial convention of the National Association of Letter Carriers.  It was the first time that the top leader of either union had spoken...

Union Presidents, USPS Officials Discuss Postal Service’s Future

The Postal Service will broadcast a video in every postal facility beginning the week of Feb. 11, featuring a discussion with the presidents of the four craft unions. The conversation, moderated by Anthony J. Vegliante, USPS executive vice president...
