APWU Retirees Still Fighting for Justice

(This article first appeared in the November/December 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) ​ COLA 2020 Is 1.6 percent a fair Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Seniors? It is projected that the average increase in benefits will be $...

Big Changes Coming to TSP Withdrawal Options

On September 15, big changes are coming to your Thrift Savings Plan withdrawal options. You’ll be gaining options of how and when you can access money from your TSP account. 

APWU Retirees: Still Fighting for Justice!

Byron Denton APWU retirees no longer work in the post office, but they are still a fighting force in the union and their communities. Delegates from around the country who attended the Retiree Conference held in conjunction with the 23rd Biennial...
