Health Coverage When Injured at Work

Employees who are injured on duty and placed on the rolls of the Office of Workers Compensation Programs (OWCP) remain eligible for health benefits, provided they are enrolled in one of the Federal Employee Health Benefit (FEHB) plans for five years...

2012 Death on the Job Report

The AFL-CIO Safety and Health Department released its 2012 Death on the Job Report May 2, 2012. The final fatality data reported 4,690 fatal work injuries in 2010, up from 4,551 in 2009 and an increase in the fatality rate from 3.5/100,000 workers...

Raising Awareness to Save Lives

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that every 13 minutes someone in the U.S. commits suicide. More than 38,360 Americans died by suicide in 2010.

USPS Finally Gets It: We Care About Safety

It appears the USPS has finally figured out that our members and representatives take safety seriously. At a recent Eastern Area Labor/Management meeting, the area safety manager announced that the USPS was embarking on a new program that requires...
