Joining the APWU - Form 1187

Postal workers who wish to join the APWU must complete Form 1187 (Authorization for Deduction of Dues).  The local union and the new member should retain a copy of the completed 1187 for their records. The e-mail address below is secure and...

Members’ Bill of Rights Strengthens Our Union

(This article first appeared in the May-June 2016 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Under federal law, every member of a labor organization must have an equal right to nominate candidates; vote in elections, and attend and participate...

Judy Beard to Take the Reins as Legislative Director;

APWU President Mark Dimondstein has appointed Judy Beard to serve as Legislative and Political director, effective April 16. She will fill the vacancy created when John Marcotte becomes Health Plan director following the retirement of William Kaczor...

Health Plan Director Bill Kaczor to Retire

William "Bill" Kaczor Jr., the long-standing director of the APWU Health Plan, has announced he will retire on April 15. 

Legislative Director John Marcotte Appointed Health Plan Director

Legislative and Political Director John Marcotte has been appointed APWU Health Plan Director by President Mark Dimondstein. Marcotte’s appointment, which was approved by the National Executive Board, is effective April 16, when William Kaczor, the...
