2018 Contract Campaign Slogan Contest Winner Announced!
October 30, 2017
After the 2018 Contract Campaign Slogan Contest was announced in the middle of August, slogans came pouring into headquarters with over 1,500 members taking action. Concern for the future, unity, respect and support for the union’s general bargaining goals were recurring themes. By the deadline, more than 2,500 entries were received, with some members entering multiple suggestions.
Around 1,300 All-Craft Conference (ACC) attendees got a chance to cast a ballot for their favorite pick of the five “finalist” slogans – determined by the National Executive Board. President Dimondstein is pleased to announce the winning slogan is “Fighting Today for a Better Tomorrow.” It was submitted by Alfonso McFarlin, Jr., a member of the Houston Area Local Retiree Chapter.
After learning he won the 2018 Contract Campaign slogan contest, McFarlin kept asking himself, “Is this real?” He explained that his slogan embodies the spirit of not only hard work and good service, but also ensuring better pay and benefits for generations of future postal workers, as well as a strong public Postal Service. “I believe in fighting for what’s right,” McFarlin said. “That’s what made me want to do this.”
McFarlin started working at the post office in 1980 and immediately joined the APWU. He worked as a clerk for 29 years before retiring on Nov. 1, 2009. Since then, he has been a dues-paying member of his retiree chapter.
He spoke about how all postal workers deserve good benefits for their work, and how belonging to a union makes it possible. “Everyone should be protected,” McFarlin said. “With the union, you do better and you work better.”
The APWU’s Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Postal Service expires on Sept. 20, 2018. The slogan contest was created as part of the preparation for the upcoming negotiations.
McFarlin plans to take the prize option of a three-day trip to Washington, D.C. to coincide with Opening Day of contract negotiations. He has some winning advice for today’s postal workers, “Keep fighting! Everyone should work together to get what you really want.”
Pay Increase Coming Nov. 25
The third general wage increase under the 2015 Collective Bargaining Agreement (union contract) will be effective Nov. 25, 2017. This wage increase will be reflected in the paycheck workers will receive on Dec.15, 2017.
Career employees will receive a pay raise of 1.3 percent. Postal Support Employees (PSEs) will receive a pay increase of 2.3 percent – PSEs do not receive cost-of-living adjustments and for that reason were awarded an additional 1 percent in their annual wage increases. The next career employee COLA increase is due in early March, 2018.
Boston Local Brings Community and Allies Together to Fight for a Better Postal Service
On Oct. 18, the APWU Boston Metro Area Local – along with other APWU members, allies and activists – took to the streets to demand management fill New England Area postal vacancies. Ignoring these vacancies leads to slow mail processing, delayed mail delivery, poor customer service and hinders dependable public service around New England.
Over 100 people attended the protest, organized by the Boston Metro Area Local. It brought together APWU Cape Cod Area Local and Manchester Area Local members, with members of the National Association of Letter Carriers, the Greater Boston Labor Council, Massachusetts AFL-CIO, Jobs with Justice, and Labor for Our Revolution.
They marched in front of Boston’s main downtown post office, raising community awareness for the issue. Understaffing, and its negative effect on service, has become a country-wide problem caused by postal management.
“Hundreds of postal vacancies in the Boston area have gone unfilled,” said Scott Hoffman, president of the Boston Metro Area Local. “It drastically disrupts service to the public and is just another way to pave the road to privatization.”
The demonstration was another in a string of protests across the country showing the USPS that workers and the community will not take these cuts lying down!
You Can Give Today to the Combined Federal Campaign
The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the largest and most successful annual, workplace charity campaign in the country. During the CFC, postal, federal civilian and military employees have the opportunity to make tax-deductible donations to one or several of their favorite charities through payroll deductions. This year, the CFC season started on Oct. 2 and runs through Jan. 12, 2018.
destroyed by Hurricane Maria.
If able, the APWU encourages members to donate to causes that are near and dear to their hearts. “Postal workers have a generous spirit,” President Dimondstein said, “and CFC contributions are one way it shows.”
In the wake of Hurricanes Harvey, Maria and Irma – as well as the California wildfires – APWU members may consider donating to the Postal Employees Relief Fund (PERF), one of the many organizations employees can designate during the campaign.
PERF was established to assist in trying times such as these. It is a non-profit organization that is for the potential benefit of all postal employees. PERF depends on continued generosity to help our coworkers rebuild their lives after natural disasters strike.
To support PERF via the CFC, designate #10268.