APWU Donates to CT-ALIVE
March 8, 2016
donation to Trish Thomas, president, CT-ALIVE
The APWU made two donations to CT-ALIVE (Connecticut Alliance for Victims of Violence & Their Families) on March 6, at the Greater Connecticut Area Local’s membership meeting. Northeast Regional Coordinator John Dirzius presented a check on behalf of the Northeast Region of APWU-POWER (Post Office Women for Equal Rights) and a donation was made in memory of Jo-Anne Colburn, a 36-year member and Industrial Relations Director of the Greater CT Area Local, who passed away unexpectedly on Jan. 25.
In 1980, Colburn was appointed as a steward by then-Local President John Dirzius. She was an arbitration advocate for the local, and one of her lasts acts was the successful representation of a PSE that was terminated on almost the same day she was promoted to a part-time flexible position (PTF). Colburn received the arbitration decision and the member returned to work with full back pay and benefits as a career PTF.
A $7,500 donation was made to CT-ALIVE in Colburn’s name, which will provide women who are victims of abuse with free tools and resources.
Sally Longyear; Local President Robert L. Johnson; Trish Thomas, president, CT-ALIVE and
Susan Omilian, Project Director, CT-ALIVE. Pictured on the screen above them is Colburn
Dirzius also presented a donation on behalf of APWU-POWER to Trish Thomas, CT-ALIVE president and Susan Omilian, CT-ALIVE Project Director, of the Never Going Back to Abuse Project.
“This agency has an outstanding history of supporting free services to women who have been abused, helping them move from victim to survivor to “thriver!” Dirzius said. “These kind donations were greatly appreciated. It’s a very proud day to be APWU!”
Greater Connecticut Area Local President Bob Johnson also gave all union sisters in attendance carnations in honor of Women’s History Month.