APWU Members Join Black Friday Protests
December 3, 2014
On Nov. 28, the day after Thanksgiving, thousands of Walmart employees across the nation protested low wages, inadequate working conditions, and illegal practices that prevent workers from forming a union.
Protests took place throughout the country, with the biggest demonstrations being in Washington, DC, Chicago, and in cities in Texas, California, and New Jersey.
In Washington, DC, employees held a sit-down strike, while in St. Paul, MN, workers organized a “March to End Poverty Wages.” In Los Angeles, Walmart employees fasted for 24 hours.
Although Black Friday rallies took different forms in different cities, they all had the same message: Workers demand fair pay and full-time work.
But Walmart employees, or “associates” as the company calls them, weren’t the only ones protesting on Black Friday. Pro-labor activists and supporting union members joined them in the fight for better working conditions – and a better standard of living.
CNN Money noted that supporting unions included the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, the American Federation of Teachers, and our very own American Postal Workers Union.
"The APWU supports Walmart employees’ fight and will continue to stand with them to improve the working conditions of all workers,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein.