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Part-Time Regular (PTR) Payout Update (February 2025)
February 3, 2025
Maintenance Director Idowu Balogun provides an update on the Maintenance PTR Settlement Payout as of February 2025.
How to Navigate to VER Plans, Optional Retirement Pages through USPS’s LiteBlue
February 3, 2025
Working in conjunction with Retirees Director Nancy Olumekor, the Industrial Relations Department has produced a presentation which provides step-by-step instructions on how active postal service employees with access to LiteBlue can navigate to the...
Get the 1% Out of Our Dream
October 14, 2014
The American Dream. Anyone who works hard enough can climb the ladder and achieve success – a lovely home, cars in the garage, the kids off to a good college and a comfortable, secure retirement.
Unfortunately, that dream seems unattainable today....
To Win Consolidation Fight, We Must Build a Movement
October 14, 2014
If we are going to win the fight to stop consolidation of 82 mail processing plants, we must build a movement – a movement that unites postal workers with the people we serve: the neighbors we greet, the businesses we patronize, the civic...
One Year In: Looking Back, Looking Forward
October 14, 2014
It has been an exciting first year as your president. I am as honored today as I was the day I took office. I appreciate the help, insight and activism of so many members, local and state leaders, and national officers across the country. Together,...
Saugus MA Says, ‘Stop Staples’
October 14, 2014
Activists in Saugus, MA, staged a protest on Tuesday, Oct. 7, to shout “No!” to the USPS-Staples plan to privatize postal services.
Astronomical Prices of Some Cancer Drugs Hit Vulnerable Patients Hard
October 10, 2014
60 Minutes reported last Sunday on the high price of cancer drugs in the U.S. Lesley Stahl’s piece shed light on the fact that Medicare has to pay the price determined by the drug companies, since under current law, Medicare is prohibited from...