On Your Health Coverage - Just Cut Costs
October 19, 2006
The APWU Health Plan for 2007 offers outstanding benefits while holding the line on employees’ premium costs. Not only is it one of the most competitive in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program, one month’s union dues are waived for new Health Plan members who belong to the APWU. APWU Health Plan is the best deal in FEHB — APWU Health Plan believes in making healthcare affordable, and it will be hard to beat the price in 2007. (Open Season in FEHB is Nov. 13-Dec. 11.)
Consumer Driven Health Plan
In a recent survey, Consumer Driven Option members said that what they like best is the low premium cost, the fact that there are no co-pays or other out-of-pocket expenses with the Personal Care Account, and that they have the ability to roll over unused PCA benefit dollars to the next year. For 2007, the cost is the same as it was in 2006.
- Get 2007 benefits at a 2006 cost — your cost is the same as it was last year;
- Personal Care Account (PCA) covers 100 percent of medical expenses up to $1,200 (individual) or $2,400 (family), including dental and vision care;
- Roll over unused PCA benefits dollars for following year;
- No co-pays, upfront deductibles, or physician referrals needed;
- Choice of doctors and hospitals in or out of network.
High Option
You receive low costs and high quality, too, with the High Option, which is consistently one of the highest rated health plans in the government’s comparison of health plans in FEHB. With the low cost this year, you get outstanding coverage at a price that is an absolute bargain.
- Year after year, one of the top-rated plans in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program;
- Huge PPO network, but flexibility to choose doctors and hospitals in- or out-of-network;
- Prescription program with no deductible and low co-payments for generic drugs;
- Top-rated for member satisfaction;
- Bargain cost for a top-quality plan.
How to Enroll
Complete a Health Benefits Registration Form (SF 2809) by calling PostalEASE at 877-477-3273. You must have a Personal Identification Number (PIN) in order to enroll. You can also enroll on the PostalEASE Employee Web on the Intranet (from the Blue Pages) if you have access. For questions about either way of enrolling, contact your local personnel office. The enrollment options are: High OptionSelf Only (471); High OptionSelf and Family (472); Consumer Driven Health Plan Self Only (474); and Consumer Driven Health Plan Self and Family (475).
Open Season Hotline: 800-PIC-APWU (800-742-2798)
800-622-2511 (TDD-Hearing Impaired)
The Hotline will be available from Oct. 16 through Dec. 11,
24 hours a day, seven days a week.
This is a summary of features of the APWU Health Plan. Before making a final decision, please read the Health Plan’s Federal Brochure (RI 71-004). All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the Plan’s Brochure.