Contract Negotiations: Union Members Say it with Stickers, Flyers and More
May 1, 2015
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2015 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.)
distribute flyers outside a post office.
Stickers and flyers and headbands, oh my!
As contract negotiations continue, union members from East to West and North to South have been spreading the word to postal management and postal customers, with APWU-themed materials.
Our demand: Good Postal Service! Good Jobs! Good Contract!
The Northeast FL Area Local kicked off the contract campaign in February by distributing information about the campaign, passing out stickers, signing up volunteers, and serving refreshments to union members.
New Mexico’s Contract Action Team (CAT) put their stamp on the campaign, too, creating a stamp-like flyer showing a collection box, a heart and a mail box, with a simple message: “From Our Box to Yours – Save America’s Postal Service.”
The Greater Connecticut Local is asking members to wear the Forever T-shirt every Friday, along with any other union-themed gear. Those who send in a selfie wearing APWU swag, are eligible to win a raffle that will be drawn on May 22.
in support of Our Postal Service.
In addition to the stickers and flyers developed by the national union, the San Jose Local CAT ordered headbands with the message, “Standing Up! Fighting Back!” The local was among the first to ask businesses to display posters in their windows in support of Our Postal Service, Yesterday, Today, Forever!
Members held holiday-themed raffles and a “Sweet on the Union” bake sale, as well.
The local is also organizing a Pedal for the Post Office community bike ride for May 17, when union members and supporters will ride from the Main Post Office to stations around town “in support of a better Postal Service for America!”
President Mark Dimondstein praised the activity. “APWU members, retirees and members of the APWU Auxiliary are doing outstanding work across the country – building unity, enthusiasm and activism in our campaign for a good contract and for a vibrant, public Postal Service for generations to come,” he said. “If you are just getting started, feel free to borrow some of their great ideas.”
Sticker, Flyer, Poster Day
On Feb. 19, the opening day of contract talks, and again on March 26, APWU members wore stickers bearing the union slogan as a sign of solidarity.
with newly-hired PTFs on Sticker Day.
In March, union members distributed flyers outside post offices that told postal patrons, “Our goal is to win a labor agreement that protects stable jobs and guarantees Americans their constitutional right to have good postal services, regardless of who they are, where they live, or how much money they have.
“Dismantling the nation’s postal system doesn’t only harm postal workers; it robs the people of speedy delivery of their medicine, their online purchases, local newspapers, bill payments, letter and invitations,” the flyer said.
Two members of the 480-481 Area Local Retiree Chapter took the message to a gathering of more than 100 retired members of the United Auto Workers in Taylor, MI.
show their union pride with stickers.
The Des Moines Area Local leafletted a hockey game, and spoke with neighborhood associations and veterans groups. They are planning multiple rallies in May as contract negotiations come to a close.
Members of the Indianapolis Area Local handed out flyers, appeared on local television to discuss the contract campaign, and have won support from state legislators.
Tennessee State signed up 100 percent of newly-hired Part-Time Flexible Clerks on Sticker Day, March 26, during a union presentation to a class of Sales, Service Associates. The new employees were excited about joining the union and wearing stickers.
distribute brochures at the Atzlan
Athletics run/walk in Los Angeles.
The California Area Local set up a booth at the Atzlan Athletics 4-mile run/walk, where members distributed brochures and talked to participants about the threatened closure of the local mail processing center.
The Houston Local printed postcards, to be signed by the public and sent to legislators and the Postmaster General, noting that dismantling the postal network harms every single postal customer.
Many other locals have gotten in on the action, wearing stickers, handing out flyers on the work floor and in neighborhoods, distributing posters to local businesses, and taking our message to the media.
In-Depth Flyers
The APWU has published three in-depth flyers and a brochure that dispel common misconceptions about the Postal Service.
“With contract negotiations underway, it’s important for union members – and the public – to know the truth about the Postal Service’s phony financial crisis, the threat of privatization, and the potential for expanded and enhanced postal services,” Dimondstein said.
participated in Sticker Day.
“I encourage union activists to pass out the flyers in break rooms and cafeterias as they discuss the contract campaign with their co-workers,” he said.
The brochure format can be used when speaking at meetings with local labor councils, state federations and community organizations and when meeting with elected officials, civic groups and the media.
Town Hall Calls
Members got the chance to hear updates on bargaining from President Dimondstein on Feb. 17, March 19, and April 6 via Town Hall Calls. Questions submitted by union members were also addressed.
“Throughout negotiations, the involvement of union members in their communities and on the work floor has been critical,” Dimondstein said. “That is the source of our strength – workers, united in our demand for Good Postal Service, Good Jobs and a Good Contract!”