Two directly related issues and documents. The questions raised in these grievances is whether management violated Handbook PO-405T by not promoting a machine qualified part-time flexible to Distribution Clerk, Machine, Level 6 immediately upon qualifying on machine training. The employee was converted to Distribution Clerk, Level 5. During our discussion, we agreed that there is no requirement under the National Agreement or Handbook PO-405T which mandates automatic conversion of part-time employees to full-time LSM positions upon completion of machine qualification requirements. We agreed that the position to which an employee is converted is determined by Article 37.2.D.5 and the vacancy, i.e Distribution Clerk PS-5, or Distribution Clerk, Machine, . PS 6, that becomes available. Based on the foregoing, we agreed to consider the issue resolved.
Document Type: Step 4 Agreement
APWU National Grievance Number: H1C3WC5935, H1C3WC5936
Craft: Clerk