The following agreement constitutes the full and final settlement of all grievances, at any step of the grievance-arbitration procedure, which relate to withholding advancement of level PS-3 clerks to level PS-5 as a result of the moratorium established in July 1979.

1. The advancement/relegation procedures applicable to clerk level determination, in effect prior to the moratorium of July 1979, will be reinstituted on October 2, 1982. Employees on the rolls as of that date and who would have been advanced or relegated during the moratorium period will be advanced or relegated, as appropriate, pursuant to the reinstituted procedures.

2. Those level PS-3 clerks presently on the rolls who would have advanced to level PS-5 during the moratorium period will be paid at the appropriate step of level PS-5 for all hours identified as hours which would have been paid at level PS-5 if the moratorium had not been in effect.

3. Those level PS-5 clerks presently on the rolls who would have been relegated to level PS-3 during the moratorium period will not be presented with a
claim for return of overpayment of wages. The rate retention period for these relegated employees will commence on the date the relegation would have occurred,. but for the moratorium, and will continue for two ( 2) years thereafter in accordance with ELM S 421.5 Rate Retention Provisions.

This settlement shall be nonprecedential and shall not be relied upon or cited by either party in support of its position with respect to any other matters between the parties, including any other claims for back pay or for waiver of overpayment.

Document Type:  National Pre-Arbitration Settlement

APWU National Grievance Number:  None

Tags: Higher Level Assignments , upgrade

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