The question raised in these grievances is whether management violates Article 35 of the National Agreement by requiring an employee with an attendance problem to meet with a PAR counselor. After further review of this matter, we mutually agreed that no national interpretive issue is fairly presented in the particulars evidenced in these cases. During our discussion, we mutually agreed that management should refer an employee with an attendance problem to meet with a PAR counselor if there ia an indication that alcoholism or drug abuse is present. Each case must be reviewed on an individual basis, in accordance with Section 870 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual. Conversely, if there is no indication that an employee's attendance problem is caused by alcoholism or drug abuse, then the employee cannot be required to meet with a PAR counselor.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1N3FC33725, H1N3FC33476, H1N3FC33475

Tags: Employee Assistance Program , EAP , Referral

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