The question in this grievance is whether management violated Articles 10 and 19 of the National Agreement, in that the grievants' request for sick leave to attend an Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) meeting was denied. The provisions covering sick leave are contained in Chapter 513 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM). Section 513.32 sets forth the conditions for authorizing sick leave. It is my understanding that the grievants were not incapacitated for duty by reason of illness or injury when they requested sick leave. They also did not meet any other condition for authorized sick leave as prescribed in the ELM. In particular, attendance at an A.A. meeting is not a recognized "Medical, Dental or Optical Examination or Treatment" as identified in the ELM. Based on the above considerations and the case file, I have determined that the denial of sick leave to attend the A.A. meeting was proper. Therefore, this grievance is denied.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C5DC1506

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Employee Assistance Program , EAP , A.A. , Alcoholics Anonymous

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