Q18V-4Q-C 20375622/HQTV20200376

The issue presented by the APWU is whether it was a violation of Articles 1, 5 and 19 of the National Agreement, when the Postal Service required Motor Vehicle employees to sign a consent form titled, "Consent for Limited Queries of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse" which contained provisions unilaterally determined by the Postal Service. The parties agree that any future changes to the above consent which directly relate to wages, hours or working conditions is a subject of bargaining and will be done in accordance with Article 19 of the National Agreement. The parties further agree and acknowledge the Postal Service commitment to follow Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and Department of Transportation regulations for Commercial Driver License, and that no Postal Service policy will violate the Step 4 settlement in Case No. Q15V-4Q-C18046276/HQTV20170529.

FMCSA , Federal Motor Carrier Safety Agreement , Drug and Alcohol , MVS , TTO , MVO , Drivers License , DOT Clearinghouse

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The issue presented by the APWU is whether it was a violation of Articles 1, 5 and 19 of the National Agreement, when the Postal Service required Motor Vehicle employees to sign a consent form titled, "Consent for Limited Queries of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse" which contained provisions unilaterally determined by the Postal Service. 

The parties agree that any future changes to the above consent which directly relate to wages, hours or working conditions is a subject of bargaining and will be done in accordance with Article 19 of the National Agreement. 
The parties further agree and acknowledge the Postal Service commitment to follow Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and Department of Transportation regulations for Commercial Driver License, and that no Postal Service policy will violate the Step 4 settlement in Case No. Q15V-4Q-C18046276/HQTV20170529. 

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  HQTV20200376

GATS Number:  20375622

Craft:  Motor Vehicle Service

Tags: FMCSA , Federal Motor Carrier Safety Agreement , Drug and Alcohol , MVS , TTO , MVO , Drivers License , DOT Clearinghouse

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DOT and FMCSA Medical Card for CDL

October 23, 2019

The Postal Service will follow Department of Transportation (DOT) and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations regarding the administration of CDLs. Postal employees whose position requires a CDL must maintain their medical certification in accordance with DOT and the FMCSA. Where previous Postal Service correspondence has used the term "parallel", the parties understand that this does not represent a change in policy. When required, medical exams related to an employee's CDL will be scheduled with a DOT/FMCSA certified examiner at no cost to the employee. Any additional medical testing and/or exams required to determine an employee's suitability in connection with a DOT/FMCSA medical exam, will be paid for by the Postal Service until an initial determination is made. If the employee is found medically unfit, the employee will be responsible for the cost of any treatment and/or medical test or appointments he/she obtains, including medical information used to dispute the determination. If the employee is found medically fit by the certified examiner there is no further review necessary.

Document Type: National Pre-Arbitration Settlement

Craft: Motor Vehicle Service

APWU National Grievance Number: HQTV20170529

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DOT Clearinghouse for CDL Holders

February 20, 2020

02-20-2020 Dean to Dimonstein DOT Clearinghouse for CDL Holders Clean Copy By notice dated, February 20, the USPS informed APWU of its compliance with a recent act of Congress which has established a Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse is a secure online database providing employers, state licensing agencies, and enforcement officers with real-time information about commercial driver's license (CDL) holders' violations of the Department of Transportation (DOT) drug or alcohol testing rules. The USPS notice states: The Postal Service is required to query the Clearinghouse for current and prospective employees' drug and alcohol violations. The Postal Service is required to annually query the Clearinghouse for each driver they currently employ. Employees will be required to sign a consent to allow the Postal Service to run the annual query. (See 49 CFR 382. 701 (b)). The Postal Service anticipates to run the first query in late 2020.

Document Type: USPS Position Letter

Craft: Motor Vehicle Service

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