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USPS Position Letter: Article 19; Handbooks and Manuals (1979)

August 24, 1979

Document Type: USPS Position Letter

Craft: Maintenance

APWU National Grievance Number: ACN27805, V7837429

Handbooks and Manuals, harassment, medical documentation not requested in advance, Deems Desirable, annual leave in lieu of sick leave

Pub 552 Manager's Guide to Understanding, Investigating, and Preventing Harassment 12-16

December 1, 2016

Pub 552 Manager's Guide to Understanding, Investigating, and Preventing Harassment 12-16

Document Type: Other

harassment, hostile work environment

Pub 553 Employee's Guide to Understanding, Preventing, and Reporting Harassment 03-15

March 1, 2015

Pub 553--Employee's Guide to Understanding, Preventing, and Reporting Harassment

Document Type: Other

Craft: All Craft, Clerk, Maintenance, Motor Vehicle Service, Support Services

harassment, hostile work environment

El-801 Supervisor's Guide to Safety

June 1, 2008

EL-801 Handbook: Supervisor's Guide to Safety

Document Type: Other

Craft: All Craft, Clerk, Maintenance, Motor Vehicle Service, Support Services

Safety, hostile work environment, harassment, 1767

Guidelines for Area/Local Joint Labor-Management Transmittal Letter Safety and Health Committees

November 1, 2013

Guidelines for Area/Local Joint Labor-Management Safety and Health Committees

Document Type: Other

Craft: All Craft, Clerk, Maintenance, Motor Vehicle Service, Support Services

Safety, hostile work environment, harassment

Threat Assessment Team Guide

May 1, 2015

Threat Assessment Team Guide

Document Type: Other

Craft: All Craft, Clerk, Maintenance, Motor Vehicle Service, Support Services

Safety, threat assesment, hostile work environment, harassment

Pub 553 Employee's Guide to Understanding, Preventing, and Reporting Harassment 11-2018

November 10, 2018

Pub 553--Employee's Guide to Understanding, Preventing, and Reporting Harassment

Document Type: Other

Craft: All Craft, Clerk, Maintenance, Motor Vehicle Service, Support Services

harassment, hostile work environment